By clicking on the above link you will be brought to the EPA page detailing those chemicals contained at 180 Mill Street. By viewing the waste codes you can have a better understanding of those chemicals which were being used. All chemicals will be cross referenced to their applicable end use and human hazard potential.
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Lawyers are warning of a "ticking timebomb" as workers exposed to carcinogenic chemicals in the 1950s and 1960s start to develop potentially fatal cancers.
Why is the ground snow white?
While growing up as a child I would walk out of my house to go outside to play. That is what we did back then. We played outside. When I stepped outside I would be greeted not by the site of new fallen snow but that of a white powdery substance covering our lawn. My mother would tell me, "Don't play on the lawn!" I now know that this substance is called tinuvin. Tinuvin is a product used in the manufacturing of plastics. This Blogger has been told that the white substance covering her lawn was tinuvin. Tinuvin comes in a multitude of forms and was found at the CG site. It was reported by the FDA that CG stated in reports that Tinuvin was used to manufacture plastics. I was told that Tinuvin is "harmless".
Hmmmm. I think we are now told NOT to place plastic and plastic wrap in our microwave ovens today. Little did they know 25 years ago. Silly scientist.
Adverse Health Effects of Plastics
addition to creating safety problems during production, many chemical
additives that give plastic products desirable performance properties
also have negative environmental and human health effects. These
effects include
- Direct toxicity, as in the cases of lead, cadmium, and mercury
- Carcinogens, as in the case of diethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP)
- Endocrine disruption, which can lead to cancers, birth defects, immune system supression and developmental problems in children.
the Adverse
Health Effects Grid for
a list of commonly used plastics and their known health effects.
Migration from Plastic Packaging into Contents
People are exposed to these chemicals not only during manufacturing, but also by using plastic packages, because some chemicals migrate from the plastic packaging to the foods they contain. Examples of plastics contaminating food have been reported with most plastic types, including Styrene from polystyrene, plasticizers from PVC, antioxidants from polyethylene, and Acetaldehyde from PET.
People are exposed to these chemicals not only during manufacturing, but also by using plastic packages, because some chemicals migrate from the plastic packaging to the foods they contain. Examples of plastics contaminating food have been reported with most plastic types, including Styrene from polystyrene, plasticizers from PVC, antioxidants from polyethylene, and Acetaldehyde from PET.
the factors controlling migration are the chemical structure of the
migrants and the nature of the packaged food. In studies cited in
Food Additives and Contaminants, LDPE, HDPE, and polypropylene
bottles released measurable levels of BHT, Chimassorb 81, Irganox PS
800, Irganix 1076, and Irganox 1010 into their contents of vegetable
oil and ethanol. Evidence was also found that acetaldehyde migrated
out of PET and into water.
Find alternatives to plastic products whenever possible. Some specific suggestions:
* Buy food in glass or metal containers; avoid polycarbonate drinking bottles with Bisphenol A
* Avoid heating food in plastic containers, or storing fatty foods in plastic containers or plastic wrap.
* Do not give young children plastic teethers or toys
* Use natural fiber clothing, bedding and furniture
* Avoid all PVC and Styrene products
Find alternatives to plastic products whenever possible. Some specific suggestions:
* Buy food in glass or metal containers; avoid polycarbonate drinking bottles with Bisphenol A
* Avoid heating food in plastic containers, or storing fatty foods in plastic containers or plastic wrap.
* Do not give young children plastic teethers or toys
* Use natural fiber clothing, bedding and furniture
* Avoid all PVC and Styrene products
- Buy food in glass or metal containers
- Avoid heating food in plastic containers, or storing fatty foods in plastic containers or plastic wrap
- Do not give young children plastic teethers or toys
- Use natural fiber clothing, bedding and furniture
Health Effects
chloride (#3PVC) |
packaging, plastic wrap, containers for toiletries, cosmetics,
crib bumpers, floor tiles, pacifiers, shower curtains, toys, water
pipes, garden hoses, auto upholstery, inflatable swimming pools
cause cancer, birth defects, genetic changes, chronic bronchitis,
ulcers, skin diseases, deafness, vision failure, indigestion, and
liver dysfunction
(DEHP, DINP, and others) |
vinyl products manufactured with phthalates include vinyl
clothing, emulsion paint, footwear, printing inks, non-mouthing
toys and children’s products, product packaging and food wrap,
vinyl flooring, blood bags and tubing, IV containers and
components, surgical gloves, breathing tubes, general purpose
labware, inhalation masks, many other medical devices
disruption, linked to asthma, developmental and reporoductive
effects. Medical waste with PVC and pthalates is regularly
incinerated causing public health effects from the relese of
dioxins and mercury, including cancer, birth defects, hormonal
changes, declining sperm counts, infertility, endometriosis, and
immune system impairment.
with Bisphenol A (#7)
have linked very low doses of bisphenol A exposure to cancers,
impaired immune function, early onset of puberty, obesity,
diabetes, and hyperactivity, among other problems
(Environment California)
food containers for meats, fish, cheeses, yogurt, foam and clear
clamshell containers, foam and rigid plates, clear bakery
containers, packaging "peanuts", foam packaging, audio
cassette housings, CD cases, disposable cutlery, building
insulation, flotation devices, ice buckets, wall tile, paints,
serving trays, throw-away hot drink cups, toys
irritate eyes, nose and throat and can cause dizziness and
unconsciousness. Migrates into food and stores in body fat.
Elevated rates of lymphatic and hematopoietic cancers for workers.
(#1 PET) |
and soda bottles, carpet fiber, chewing gum, coffee stirrers,
drinking glasses, food containers and wrappers, heat-sealed
plastic packaging, kitchenware, plastic bags, squeeze bottles,
human carcinogen
clothing, disposable diapers, food packaging, tampons, upholstery
cause eye and respiratory-tract irritation and acute skin rashes
formaldehyde |
board, plywood, building insulation, fabric finishes
is a suspected carcinogen and has been shown to cause birth
defects and genetic changes. Inhaling formaldehyde can cause
cough, swelling of the throat, watery eyes, breathing problems,
headaches, rashes, tiredness
Foam |
mattresses, pillows
coughing, skin and eye problems. Can release toluene diisocyanate
which can produce severe lung problems
blankets, carpets made from acrylic fibers, adhesives, contact
lenses, dentures, floor waxes, food preparation equipment,
disposable diapers, sanitary napkins, paints
cause breathing difficulties, vomiting, diarrhea, nausea,
weakness, headache and fatigue
ethelyne |
coating on cookware, clothes irons, ironing board covers, plumbing
and tools
irritate eyes, nose and throat and can cause breathing
- Centers for Disease Control Report, "National Report on Human Exposure to Environmental Chemicals," 2001.
- Dadd, Debra, Home Safe Home, Penguin Putnam, New York, 1997.
Plastic wrap is made.
wrap is a form of food packaging consisting of a thin film of
flexible, transparent polymer that
clings to itself and to food containers to form a tight seal. The
plastic keeps the food fresh by protecting it from air and by
preventing dry foods from absorbing moisture and wet foods from
losing moisture. It also seals in odors to prevent them from
spreading to other foods stored nearby.
are artificial polymers; that is, they consist of gigantic molecules
formed by combining thousands of small molecules of the same kind
into a long chain. These small molecules are known as monomers, and
the process of combining them is known as polymerization. Natural
polymers include such familiar substances as silk, rubber,
and cotton.
first plastic was made by the British chemist Alexander Parkes in
1862, who produced a substance he called Parkesine from cotton,
nitric acid, sulfuric acid, castor oil, and camphor. Two years later
in the United States John Wesley Hyatt improved this product and
named it celluloid. Celluloid was a tremendous success and was used
to make many different products, but it was highly flammable.
first completely artificial polymer (unlike celluloid, which was a
derivative of the natural polymer cellulose)
was Bakelite, which was produced from phenol and formaldehyde by the
Belgian chemist Leo
Baekeland in
1908. Many other polymers were developed during the 20th century,
including such important products as artificial
rubber and
artificial fibers such as nylon.
first plastic used for wrapping was cellophane, another derivative of
cellulose invented by the Swiss chemist Jacques Brandenberger in
1911. It had the advantage of being transparent, and was used for
packaging as early as 1924. Cellophane was the most common form of
plastic film made until 1963, when it was overtaken by polyethylene.
was discovered by accident by research workers at the British
company Imperial
Chemicals Industries in
1933, when they mixed benzene and ethylene at
high temperature and pressure. Polyethylene was first used chiefly
for electrical insulating material. It was first made into a film in
1945 by the Visking Corporation in the United States, and has grown
in popularity ever since.
chloride (PVC)
was produced before World War II and was originally used as an
inferior substitute for rubber, but films of this substance were not
made in any quantity until the 1950s. PVC is used today in many
different products such as pipes, flooring, electric cables, shoes,
and clothing, as well as plastic wrap.
chloride (PVDC)
film was developed by the Dow Chemical Company during World War II
for military use. It offered a high degree of protection from
moisture and resistance to oils, greases, and corrosive chemicals, so
it was used to package sensitive equipment such as optical devices
and aircraft engine components. In

it was offered to the public under the familiar trade name Saran
Raw Materials
household plastic wrap is made from polyethylene, PVC, or PVDC. These
polymers are all derived from simple hydrocarbons such as methane or
ethylene, which are produced from natural gas or petroleum.
Polyethylene is made directly from ethylene. PVC is made from vinyl
chloride, derived from ethylene, or from acetylene, derived from
methane. PVDC is made from vinyl chloride and vinylidene chloride, a
derivative of 1,1,2-trichloroethane, which in turn is derived from
ethylene or acetylene.
plastic films, including cellophane, are derived from cellulose,
which is obtained from wood pulp or from linters, tiny fibers that
cling to cotton seeds after the longer cotton fibers have been
removed by a cotton gin. At least one form of plastic film (Pliofilm,
a trademark of Goodyear) is derived from rubber.
Processing the raw materials
- 1 The chemicals needed to synthesize polymers are usually obtained from petroleum. Crude oil is heated in a furnace to about 752°F (400°C). Vapors from the oil move into a fractionating column, a tall tower containing a series of chambers. The chambers are warmer at the bottom of the tower and cooler at the top. The various substances that make up petroleum rise through the chambers as gases until they reach the temperature at which they become liquids. Since each substance has a different boiling point, they liquefy in different chambers and can be separated and collected.
- 2 Most polymers begin with very simple hydrocarbons that have low boiling points. These substances do not liquefy in the fractionating column, but instead remain in the form of gases which can be removed from the top of the tower. They may also be obtained from natural gas, which is mostly methane. Another source for these chemicals is naphtha, a mixture of liquid hydrocarbons, obtained from a fractionating column, which are heavier than gasoline but lighter than heavy oil. Naphtha is heated under pressure to break down the liquid hydrocarbons into smaller molecules, a process known as cracking. A catalyst is added to enable cracking to take place at a lower temperature and pressure than it would without it. The catalyst may be a natural or artificial clay (a mixture of alumina and silica or a zeolite (any of various minerals containing aluminum, silicon, oxygen, and other elements in combination with water.) Catalytic cracking usually takes place at a temperature of about 932°F (500°C) under a pressure of about 100 kilo-pascals. The cracked naphtha is then distilled in a manner similar to that in a fractionating column to separate its components.
- 3 Polyethylene is polymerized from ethylene, which is obtained from cracking. Ethylene is heated in a pressure chamber to about 338°F (170°C) at a pressure of about 200,000 kilopascals in the presence of a small amount of oxygen. The oxygen breaks the ethylene down into free radicals, which combine with each other to form chains of polyethylene. About one percent of a nonreacting gas such as propane is added to prevent the chains from becoming too long.
- 4 PVC is polymerized from vinyl chloride, which can be obtained either by mixing acetylene with hydrochloric acid or ethylene with chlorine. Ethylene is more commonly used because it is efficiently obtained from the cracking of naphtha. If acetylene is used it must first be synthesized by heating methane to about 2732°F (1500°C) or through various other chemical reactions. Vinyl chloride is mixed with water and agitated to form a suspension, much as oil and vinegar are mixed to form salad dressing. Various suspending agents such as starch and gelatin are added to keep the mixture from separating. The temperature of the suspension is raised to about 104°F (40°C) or 122°F (50°C) and an initiator, usually an organic peroxide, is added to start the reaction. The vinyl chloride molecules react with each other to form chains of PVC. The mixture is cooled and particles of PVC are separated from the water in a centrifuge and dried in an oven.
- 5 PVDC is polymerized from a mixture of about 15% vinyl chloride and about 85% vinylidene chloride. To produce vinylidene chloride, first 1,1,2-trichloroethane is made by mixing acetylene, hydrochloric acid, and chlorine, or by mixing ethylene and chlorine. The 1,1,2-trichloroethane then reacts with calcium hydroxide or sodium hydroxide to produce vinylidene chloride. Polymerization of PVDC proceeds in much the same way as PVC.
- 6 Polyethylene is naturally flexible, but PVC and PVDC must have plasticizers added or they will be hard and rigid. Various organic and inorganic esters can be used as plasticizers. Generally the liquid plasticizer is slowly sprayed into dry polymer powder and heated to about 302°F (150°C) to form a homogeneous mixture.
Making plastic wrap
- 7 Plastic wrap is made by extrusion. In this process granules of plastic are heated until they melt at about 212°F (100°C) for polyethylene and about 392°F (200°C) for PVC and PVDC. The liquid is then forced through a die to form a tube of warm, stretchable plastic. At regular intervals compressed air is blown into the side of the moving tube to form large bubbles. This stretches the plastic to the desired thinness. The thin plastic cools rapidly, and the bubble is collapsed between metal rollers to form a film. The film is wound around a large metal roller to form a roll that may hold several kilometers of plastic wrap. The plastic film on these rolls is then unrolled, cut to the proper length (usually about 49 feet [15 m]) and width (about 1 foot [0.33 m]), and rerolled onto small cardboard tubes. (This rolling, unrolling, and rerolling tends to give the plastic wrap a slight negative charge of static electricity, that helps it cling.) The cardboard tubes of plastic wrap are placed in cardboard boxes that have a serrated edge at the opening so that the consumer can tear off the desired length. Some also have a sticky spot on the box to catch the edge of the plastic wrap so it doesn't stick to the tube. The boxes of plastic wrap are then stacked in cartons and shipped to retailers.
Quality Control
variety of standard tests exist to ensure that plastic wrap is
effective. The most important are tests for permeability, impact
resistance, and tear strength.
vapor permeability is measured by filling a dish with calcium
chloride, a highly water-absorbent substance. It is covered with a
sample of plastic wrap and weighed. The dish is then placed in a
chamber with a controlled temperature and humidity. After a measured
amount of time the dish is weighed again. The increase in weight
shows how much water vapor has passed through the plastic. This test
can also be done by filling the dish with water instead of calcium
chloride and measuring the decrease in weight to see how much water
vapor has escaped. These tests are performed at 73°F (23°C) with a
relative humidity of 50%, at 90°F (32°C) with a relative humidity
of 50%, and at 100°F (38°C) with a relative humidity of 90%.
permeability is measured by placing a sample of plastic wrap between
two chambers. The upper chamber contains a pressure of 100
kilopascals, and the lower chamber contains a vacuum connected to a
tube containing liquid mercury. As the air in the upper chamber
passes through the plastic wrap it increases the pressure in the
lower chamber and forces the level of mercury to drop. The change in
the level reveals how much air has penetrated the plastic.
resistance is measured by dropping weights of increasing size on test
samples until half of them break, at which point the weight is
recorded. It can also be measured by filling bags made from the
plastic wrap that is being tested with sand and dropping them on a
hard surface from increasing heights until they burst. The height at
which this occurs is then recorded. Impact resistance is also
measured by shooting a small steel ball propelled by pressurized air
through a sheet of plastic wrap and measuring how much the plastic
slows it down.
strength consists of tear initiation strength (the force required to
start a tear) and tear propagation strength (the force needed to
continue a tear). To measure tear initiation strength a sample shaped
like a shallow V is pulled between two jaws until it begins to tear.
This unusual shape is selected to provide a 90 degree angle that
provides a controlled starting point for the tear. Tear propagation
strength is measured by pulling apart a sample containing a precut
general, PVDC is stronger and less permeable than polyethylene, which
is less permeable than PVC.
Environmental Concerns
plastic wrap is difficult, if not impossible, to recycle and is
rarely reused, it does contribute to waste. One consumer group,
considering such factors as the energy and raw materials needed for
manufacture, the wastes released during manufacturing and disposal,
the ability to be recycled, and the typical amounts used, has rated
plastic wrap as "Good." By comparison, reusable plastic
containers were rated as "Excellent," plastic bags as "Very
Good," aluminum foil and freezer bags as "Good," and
freezer papers as "Poor." Another concern is the
possibility that exposure to certain plasticizers in plastic wrap
could be harmful. These chemicals are absorbed from plastic wrap into
hot and fatty foods. Although they have never been shown to cause
harm in humans, plasticizers have been proved to cause cancer when
fed in large amounts to lab animals. PVC wrap can consist of as much
as one-third plasticizers, PVDC wrap consists of about 10%
plasticizers, and polyethylene wrap usually contains no plasticizers.
Where To Learn More
A. J. and E. G. Hancock. Plastics and Synthetic
Rubbers. Pergamon Press, 1970.
Food Fresh." Consumer Reports, March 1994, pp.
— Rose Secrest
all of FDA's product centers are represented on the BPA Task Force,
Commissioner von Eschenbach has also tasked it with establishing a
comprehensive inventory of regulated products that contain
phthalates. Phthalates are
primarily used as plasticizers in polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and
polyvinylidene chloride (PVDC) polymers to increase their
flexibility. Di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) is perhaps the
most thoroughly studied among the phthalates. DEHP has long been used
to produce highly flexible versions of PVC and PVDC polymers for a
variety of applications, such as in
flexible packaging film.
uses of phthalates include uses in flexible food packaging. Over the
past decade, however, such food contact uses have been greatly
reduced or eliminated through the replacement of PVC and PVDC
polymers with other polymers that do not require plasticizers and by
the use of alternative plasticizers in PVC and PVDC. FDA's Center for
Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (CFSAN) has tracked the reductions
in use of phthalates in food contact materials as well as the
development of new toxicological data.
Bisphenol-A (BPA)
Alderson, Ph.D.
Associate Commissioner for Science
Food and Drug Administration
Department of Health and Human Services
Associate Commissioner for Science
Food and Drug Administration
Department of Health and Human Services
Subcommittee on Commerce, Trade and Consumer Protection
House Committee on Energy and Commerce
House Committee on Energy and Commerce
June 10, 2008
Dioxins (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polyvinyl_chloride)
article: Polychlorinated
produces HCl upon combustion almost quantitatively related to its
chlorine content. Extensive studies in Europe indicate that the
chlorine found in emitted dioxins is not derived from HCl in the flue
Instead, most dioxins arise in the condensed solid phase by the
reaction of inorganic chlorides with graphitic structures in
char-containing ash particles. Copper acts as a catalyst for these
of household waste burning indicate consistent increases in dioxin
generation with increasing PVC concentrations.[36] According
to the EPA dioxin inventory, landfill
likely to represent an even larger source of dioxin to the
environment. A survey of international studies consistently
identifies high dioxin concentrations in areas affected by open waste
burning and a study that looked at the homologue pattern found the
sample with the highest dioxin concentration was "typical for
the pyrolysis of PVC". Other EU studies indicate that PVC likely
"accounts for the overwhelming majority of chlorine that is
available for dioxin formation during landfill fires."[36]
next largest sources of dioxin in the EPA inventory are medical and
municipal waste incinerators.[37] Various
studies have been conducted that reach contradictory results. For
instance a study of commercial-scale incinerators showed no
relationship between the PVC content of the waste and dioxin
emissions.[38][39] Other
studies have shown a clear correlation between dioxin formation and
chloride content and indicate that PVC is a significant contributor
to the formation of both dioxin and PCB in incinerators.[40][41][42]
February 2007, the Technical and Scientific Advisory Committee of the
US Green Building Council (USGBC) released its report on a PVC
avoidance related materials credit for the LEED Green Building Rating
system. The report concludes that "no single material shows up
as the best across all the human health and environmental impact
categories, nor as the worst" but that the "risk of dioxin
emissions puts PVC consistently among the worst materials for human
health impacts."[43]
Europe the overwhelming importance of combustion conditions on dioxin
formation has been established by numerous researchers. The single
most important factor in forming dioxin-like compounds is the
temperature of the combustion gases. Oxygen concentration also plays
a major role on dioxin formation, but not the chlorine content.[44]
design of modern incinerators minimises PCDD/F formation by
optimising the stability of the thermal process. To comply with the
EU emission limit of 0.1 ng I-TEQ/m3 modern incinerators operate
in conditions minimising dioxin formation and are equipped with
pollution control devices which catch the low amounts produced.
Recent information is showing for example that dioxin levels in
populations near incinerators in Lisbon and Madeira have not risen
since the plants began operating in 1999 and 2002 respectively.
studies have also shown that removing PVC from waste would not
significantly reduce the quantity of dioxins emitted. The European
Union Commission published in July 2000 a Green Paper on the
Environmental Issues of PVC. "[45] The
Commission states (page 27) that it has been suggested that the
reduction of the chlorine content in the waste can contribute to the
reduction of dioxin formation, even though the actual mechanism is
not fully understood. The influence on the reduction is also expected
to be a second or third order relationship. It is most likely that
the main incineration parameters, such as the temperature and the
oxygen concentration, have a major influence on the dioxin
formation". The Green Paper states further that at the current
levels of chlorine in municipal waste, there does not seem to be a
direct quantitative relationship between chlorine content and dioxin
study commissioned by the European Commission on "Life Cycle
Assessment of PVC and of principal competing materials" states
that "Recent studies show that the presence of PVC has no
significant effect on the amount of dioxins released through
incineration of plastic waste."[46]
Films |
![]() |
majority of polyethylene (PE) is used in film. Typical
applications in the packaging industry are food packaging, grocery
sacks and stretch wrap films. Non-packaging applications are
domestic trash can liners and in agricultural applications. All
kind of polyethylenes are used in film. Low-density polyethylene
(LDPE) is still dominant in the agriculture industry as well as in
many packaging applications. Nonetheless linear low-density
polyethylene (LLDPE) as well as high-density polyethylene (HDPE)
are gaining market share due to favorable stiffness, toughness or
impact and puncture resistance. For applications with the highest
demands of film transparency it is important to ensure high
productivity in combination with excellent film properties,
optimized processing stability is required making superior
stabilization essential to minimize gel formation and
discoloration. To meet the requirements on LLDPE/HDPE blown and
cast film grades, BASF offers synergistic solution of antioxidant
blends which are tailored for either general or color-critical
applications. For outdoor applications such as mulch films in the
agricultural industry, where light and weather stability is
required, BASF offers a broad range of hindered amine light
stabilizers (HALS) and UV absorbers. |
Monday, February 18, 2013
EPA Report Basis for Human Exposure Control
To view the above EPA report of the containment of Human Exposure at 180 Mill Street click on the above link.
To view the above EPA report of the containment of Human Exposure at 180 Mill Street click on the above link.
180 Mill Street Study
you lived in Rhode Island in the 1970's and 80's than you should
remember Ciba-Geigy. The Ciba-Geigy Plant or CG, was at the time one
of the oldest chemical production plants in RI and was located in
Cranston at 180 Mill Street, just feet from the Pawtuxet River. It
was there that CG released daily into the river over 1.5 million
gallons of untreated toxic chemicals and heavy metals. “A
1981 EPA study termed the Ciba-Geigy's wastes "acutely toxic"
and found that half the test organisms exposed to the waste diluted
ten times were killed within 48 hours.”
Multinational Monitor June
1983 - Volume 4 - Number 7.
1984 Ciba-Geigy closed its doors and moved out of Rhode Island,
leaving behind a legacy of pollution. Today many former and current
citizens of Rhode Island are ill with terminal or chronic health
conditions. Could these conditions be the result of years of exposure
to environmental toxins? We just do not know. What the EPA and the
FDA knew in the 1970's is not the same as what is known today. To
date based on EPA information provided to this blogger no complete
study has been undertaken to look into health related illnesses of
those residents who resided in or around the Ciba-Geigy plant site at
180 Mill Street in Cranston RI.
is the purpose of The Ciba Zone – The 180 Mill Street Study. In the
coming weeks and months online polls will be used to survey those
citizens who resided in the vicinity of the now closed Ciba plant.
Citizens will be asked to participate in a voluntary survey. The
data which will be collected will be forwarded on to The RI
Department of Health and other governmental agencies as this blogger
deems necessary to “get the word out”.
have been lost. This is apparent. Those who lived in the Ocean State
are well aware that the Pawtuxet River was rendered a toxic
nightmare. Literally there was a call to “Save the Bay”. Perhaps
now is the right time to look at the human capacity and contain this
Link to 5/1/12 Community Meeting Cranston Site Development
By clicking on the above link you will be brought to the meeting minutes from Cranston City Council Representative Steve Stycos. This meeting concerned future site development of the old Ciba land by the new owner.
Note that BASF still holds ownership of the land.
By clicking on the above link you will be brought to the meeting minutes from Cranston City Council Representative Steve Stycos. This meeting concerned future site development of the old Ciba land by the new owner.
Note that BASF still holds ownership of the land.
EPA Site - Ciba Specialty Corp.
By clicking on the above hyperlink you will be brought to the EPA site sheet on this location.
By clicking on the above hyperlink you will be brought to the EPA site sheet on this location.
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